
The Belonging Ministry meets at 7:00 p.m. on the first Wednesday evening of the month. This group develops a spirit of hospitality and welcome, both to visitors and members. Our ministry covers welcoming visitors, befriending new members, and honoring those who leave the church. If you’re interested in serving on this ministry, please indicate your interest under “Belonging Ministry” on your Time & Talents Covenant.

Be a New Member Friend

Being “the new kid on the block” can be overwhelming, no matter what your age. With the help of the New Member Friend Guidelines, new member friends serve for approximately six months. You can help new members find their place at Second through telephone calls, joining them for a worship service and a meal or two, and advising them of involvement opportunities. If you are interested in serving as a friend with new members, please select B01 on your Time & Talents Covenant.

Special Event Crew

Provide refreshments at special events for visitors and new members. Help set up and arrange the event. Make follow up calls and emails to invitees. If you are interested, please select B02 on your Time & Talents Covenant.

Sunday Morning Welcome Center

Every Sunday morning we welcome visitors at the Welcome Center in the Narthex. This job is to simply provide a warm greeting and an inviting smile to visitors and guests and answer any questions they may have about Second Presbyterian. The Welcome Center is staffed from 8:15-9:05 a.m. and 9:30-11:05 a.m. each week. During the summer schedule, it is staffed 8:30-9:05 a.m. and 9:30-10:05 a.m. If you have time some Sunday mornings to provide simple directions, a smile and a kind word please select B04 to B07 on your Time & Talents Covenant.