Presbyterian Women (PW) of Second Presbyterian Church is not an organization to join, but a way for women who are members of the church to grow in knowledge of the love of Jesus Christ, to fulfill their Christian responsibilities and to maintain Christian Community. Presbyterian Women study the Bible, get to know one another, provide hospitality and pastoral care, are involved in mission and stewardship, and develop leaders for the whole church.

Participate as a Circle Member

Join one of our circles that meet on the second Tuesday of each month. Members gather at 10:00 a.m. for a Gathering of worship and education followed by Bible study and discussion in circles. All circles join together for lunch at 12:00 noon. Please select G15 on your Time & Talents Covenant.

Lead Bible Study for a Circle

Lead Bible study based on helps from the PW Horizons Bible Study and materials provided by one of the church program staff. Please select G16 on your Time & Talents Covenant.

Together in Service

This group of women joins together at 9:30 a.m. on the third Tuesday, September through May, for fellowship and mission work. They enjoy visiting with one another as they pack hygiene or school kits, roll bandages or pack layettes for hospitals. There is no agenda, so participants can come and go as schedules allow. Please select G17 on your Time & Talents Covenant.